If you are expecting a child and seeking information to make informed choices, Trotter House is dedicated to offering essential knowledge about your developing baby and the support available to you throughout and after your pregnancy. Having accurate information is crucial for making significant decisions regarding your pregnancy and your future. Your right to make these choices independently should always be respected, and no one else should dictate them for you.
No one can force you to have an abortion; not even your parents or the baby's father can compel you. If you're feeling pressured, remember that you have choices, such as seeking guidance from a doctor, counselor, or spiritual advisor.
Since July 2022, Texas' Human Life Protection Act - Texas Health & Safety Code 170A.002(a)-(b) protects the life of the unborn child. Know the legal facts regarding having an abortion in Texas before seeking an abortion.
Know The Facts
We are here to help provide all the facts when it comes to abortion, including chemical abortions, because you deserve to know the full truth. We want you to know all the medical facts and side effects so that you can make an informed decision.
It's essential to engage in open and private discussions with your doctor. You have the right to ask questions and gain a comprehensive understanding of the risks involved. To best comprehend these risks, it's crucial to share your health history with your doctor and have a detailed conversation about the risks associated with each option.
Topics to Discuss With Your Doctor Include:
- Your Personal Health History
- The Duration of Your Pregnancy
- The Medical and Legal Risks of Abortion
- The Medical Risks of Continuing the Pregnancy
- Alternatives to Abortion, Like Adoption Public and Private Agencies that support expectant mothers, offering services such as free sonograms which provide 3-D and 4-D images of your baby in the womb and nearby adoption agencies
Pregnancy Clinic, Pregnancy Center, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Help, Pregnancy Testing, Pregnancy Test, Pregnant, Abortion, Abortion Help, Abortion Recovery, Parenting, Parenting Help, Parenting Questions, Adoption, Adoption Help, Adoption Questions, Ultrasound, Ultrasound Help, Ultrasound Pregnancy Testing, Medicaid Help, Medicaid, Life Skills Help, Life Skills. Van, Texas - Mineola, Texas - Mt Sylvan, Texas - Hideaway, Texas - Alba, Texas - Winona, Texas - Hawkins, Texas - Red Springs, Texas - Big Sandy, Texas - Crow, Texas - Hainesville, Texas - Pine Mills, Texas - Quitman, Texas - Grand Saline, Texas - Sand Flat, Texas - Hoard, Texas.