Before You Consider Abortion As An Option, You Need To:
- Find out how pregnant you are, because this will affect the kind of procedure you would seek. Getting an ultrasound is the most accurate way of determining how long you have been pregnant.
- Make sure you do not have an ectopic pregnancy, which could lead to injury for you. An ultrasound that confirms the presence of an embryo in your uterus will help rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy.
- Know the law concerning access to legal abortions in your state of residence. Since the overturn of Roe v Wade, some state (e.g. Texas) have passed laws that limit access to both surgical and chemical abortions after the sixth week of life for the unborn child. To find about legislation in Texas since the Roe v Wade was overturned, go to: https://guides.sll.texas.gov/abortion-laws/trigger-laws
To learn the reality about self-managed or at home abortions using the abortion pills, visit: https://athomeabortionfacts.com